Friday, 8 February 2013

Dragonball Z X One Piece X Toriko Crossover Anime Special

On Tuesday Shueisha (publisher of Weekly Shonen Jump) announced that an hour long crossover anime special will air on Sunday 7th April on Fuji TV.

The Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragonball Z Cho Collaboration Special!! will air in two parts. 
The first part titled - Hashire Saikyo Gundan! Toriko to Luffy to Goku! (Run, Strongest Army! Toriko, Luffy, Goku!)
The second part titled - Shijo Saikyo Collaboration vs Umi no Taishokukan (History's Strongest Collaboration vs Glutton of the Sea).

On Wednesday Toei Animation revealed some information about the story.
 Toriko's International Gourmet Organisation has sponsored "Tenkaichi Shokuokai", a merciless race with no rules. The showdown may determine the strongest of the three franchises' leands: Toriko, Goku, or Luffy.

Fuji Tv's Toriko producer Arisu Takagi teased at various possibilities for this crossover, such as if Zoro, Zebra and Vegeta fought, or if Sanji and Komatsu had a cooking match, or if Chopper saw Goten and Trunk's fusion.

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