The story of class 3-E of Kunigagaoka Middle School, where every morning they greet their sensei with a massive firing squad as the sensei, who is a weird combination of a ALIEN and an octopus that moves at speeds of mach-20. It turns out this creature was responsible for the destruction of the moon, rendering it forever in a crescent shape. He has then announced to the world that he will destroy the world in 1 year. The creature will then teach class 3-E to assassinate him, where they are taught to kill him before the year is over.
- Baka-Updates Manga
Classroom was released in issue 31 of Weekly Shonen Jump. It has a very
interesting story and has a lot of potential big plot developments that
Matsui-sensei can exploit for our entertainment.
Assassination Classroom has set "the bar high" for the new series that will release in the following weeks to come.
Assassination Classroom has set "the bar high" for the new series that will release in the following weeks to come.
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